Its name emanates from the Nahuatl dialect which means Sanctuary of Light, which its co-founder, Carlos Santana, gave it in order to show respect for indigenous culture. On November 20th, 2005, the first stone was laid and it was inaugurated on September 8th, 2006.
It is a community center created to support the most affected community, with low resources and low possibility of accessing basic health services, in addition to providing support for educational training of Autlán and the region.
We are an institution that provides health and education with courtesy, love, humility and equality, to the most vulnerable women, children, elderly and indigenous people and their families in Autlán and the region.
To create the most advanced system of care in the field of health and education, focused on rescuing ethics and professionally the attitude and aptitude of service.
To guarantee quality medical care and educational support to low-income families in Autlán and the region, including populations in situations of vulnerability such as women (abused, pregnant, widowed and mothers single), children (mistreated, abandoned, with health and educational problems), elderly (abandoned, mistreated and sick) and indigenous (without medical service, migrants or residents).